Spectacular China Photography!

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Spectacular China

I finally got around to uploading some photos from this summer’s trip to China! If you are interested then please click the image below and it should take you right there! I hope you’re in the mood for some China photography!

Browse my photos of China

I still have thousands to look through though so expect this album to grow! What an amazing country though! Very different to the United Kingdom and very interesting to visit! I’d really like to go back at some point! A country of contrasts, I’ve tried to show some of this through my photos- rich and poor, urban and rural…I hope you enjoy them! If you have any comments please let me know below!

The photo above is taken in the Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) region, a great spot for landscapes! I spent roughly 3 weeks travelling around China in total – starting in Beijing, then heading to Shanghai, rural Zhejiang province, then over to Huangshan (where this photo is taken), then to Hangzhou and back to Shanghai before flying back to the UK.

If you have any questions about my time in China or any comments then please leave them below and I’ll get back to you! Hope you have enjoyed something slightly different!

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