Behind the scenes changes…

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Behind the Scenes

Just a quick update to let you know what is happening over at Spectacular Edinburgh Photography.

Recently I have transferred over hosting of my site from a shared hosting service over to a VPS at Amazon’s Web Services. I have also rebuilt all of the site’s pages from scratch. This was something I’d put off for a long time. It was needed however to clear out a lot of old and deprecated code. I thought it easier to do this sooner rather than later so that less needs to be rewritten.
If you don’t care about any of the technical aspects, the main benefits of these changes are:

  • Page loading is MUCH quicker
  • Page sizes are smaller (better if you’re on mobile data or slow internet)
  • Less work for me to maintain the site as hopefully won’t have to switch hosting as often as I’ve done in the past. This means therefore more time for photography or productive changes to the site

That’s it for now, I’ll try to get some more photos/posts up in the near future now that is over and done with! Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions below!

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